As I walked Rosie into my office, her eyes darted around the room. I wondered if she was going through one of those mental checklists of things people expect to see in a psychic medium's reading room. I smiled, remembering one client who'd asked in a disappointed voice, "Where's your crystal ball?" Sorry, no ball, pyramid, magic wand or purple lava lamp (that one's upstairs in the bedroom).
I gestured to the chair across from my desk. Rosie looked at it, then back at me, and nervously said, "What am I supposed to do now?"
"Have a seat," I said gently. "Get comfortable. Is there anything you'd like to ask me? Or we can just talk a bit. Whatever you'd like."
"Thanks," she said, lowering herself into the chair. She clasped her hands together in her lap as if she were squeezing a stress ball. I could picture Rosie as a successful businesswoman who made tough decisions with confidence; here, though, she seemed apprehensive.
She cleared her throat. "This is my first time visiting a psychic, and I'm not sure if I'm acting the right way."
"Please, don't act," I said with a laugh. "Just be yourself."
To put Rosie at ease, I told her about how my sessions normally went and as I talked, she sat back in her chair and seemed to relax. I was about to ask if she had any questions, when I felt a presence enter the room.
"There's a gentleman here who wants to say hello," I said, then concentrated on the spirit person. "He's making me feel a pain in my chest. He passed from a heart condition. But he says he's fine now, and can eat as much chocolate pie as he wants."
Rosie leaned forward, listening intently. "He's a very energetic man," I continued. "He makes me feel like I should be singing and dancing. His name - I'm hearing a hard 'K' sound. And there's something about a gypsy." I gave her a puzzled look. "Why is he calling you a gypsy?"
"That was my husband's nickname for me," Rosie said, brushing a tear from her eye. "Carl called me 'Gypsy Rosalie.' We were both theatre majors in college, and our first show together was the musical Gypsy."
For the next 20 minutes, I gave Rosie evidence of her husband's presence, and passed on several messages. The words from spirit put joy in her eyes. "I miss you," she said, and I felt Rosie's husband reach for his wife. In my mind, I saw the spirit hug. As he slowly withdrew, I heard him humming "Everything's Coming Up Roses," and told that to Rosie.
Then her parents came to speak with her, and they congratulated her son on passing his medical license test with flying colours.
After the session finished, I waited a few moments, then asked Rosie how she was feeling. "That wasn't so bad," she said, then smiled. "When I got here, I didn't know what to expect."
"Perfect," I said. "I think things worked out because you came in with no expectations. Expectations can disappoint people, because they don't get what they're expecting, and often miss the stuff they're getting."
We stood up and as I was about to open my office door, I suddenly turned to her and exclaimed, "My goodness! You have a grown son who just graduated from medical school? You look like you're in your late 30's!"
Rosie laughed. "Well, that certainly made this visit worthwhile!"
Carolyn Molnar is a Toronto based Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher. She has over 30 years' experience. She provides readings and also teaches others how to tap into their intuitive abilities.
Her book, 'It Is Time: Knowledge From The Other Side', has made a real impact in how people understand intuition. She has been featured on radio, television and in print. Carolyn believes intuition is accessible to everyone.
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Critical Mass 2017
Have you ever popped popcorn in a pot on a stove? It starts off slow-one lonely kernel, a signal. Gradually more join in until it reaches the point where the kernels are popping almost all at once-rapid-fire.
That's where we're at in terms of the awakening of Consciousness on the Planet-those who are more interested in "transforming the fabric of reality for the well-being of all," than in self-enrichment, self-aggrandizement or self-promotion are awakening and recognizing two profound truths: We are One and there's enough-and, Our time has come.
We are One and there's enough. There are enough resources and enough know-how to create a world that is pollution-free and providing abundantly for all its inhabitants. The sticking point is the ignorance that promotes greed. In order to change that the Hundredth Monkey effect has to kick in. And that depends on you-your active participation.
I've been using this particular analogy for more than a decade: Imagine humanity as a singular large body with each of us as individual cells in that body. If we want the body to be enLightened, each of us needs to focus on enLightening our own cell. The more of us who Light up our cells, the Lighter the body will be. That 'Light' is awakened Consciousness, and critical mass in terms of social engineering is a much smaller number than we imagine-somewhere between 10-17%.
Our time has come. We have reached the point where the process of awakening Consciousness is being supported on a mass scale-by Cosmic forces of Universal proportion-and whether you know it or not, if you're reading these words, you are meant to participate in this glorious transformation of a civilization and a planet.
You're not being asked to make any sacrifices, and you're not being asked to spend money you may not have. You're only being asked to step forward and say: "I'm in. I'm willing to take the simple steps that will enable Consciousness to more fully awaken in me. I'm willing to cultivate Love in my own being and generate that Love into my community in order to uplift humanity and 'transform the fabric of reality for the well-being of all.'
Get on board-this is the ride of a lifetime.
That's where we're at in terms of the awakening of Consciousness on the Planet-those who are more interested in "transforming the fabric of reality for the well-being of all," than in self-enrichment, self-aggrandizement or self-promotion are awakening and recognizing two profound truths: We are One and there's enough-and, Our time has come.
We are One and there's enough. There are enough resources and enough know-how to create a world that is pollution-free and providing abundantly for all its inhabitants. The sticking point is the ignorance that promotes greed. In order to change that the Hundredth Monkey effect has to kick in. And that depends on you-your active participation.
I've been using this particular analogy for more than a decade: Imagine humanity as a singular large body with each of us as individual cells in that body. If we want the body to be enLightened, each of us needs to focus on enLightening our own cell. The more of us who Light up our cells, the Lighter the body will be. That 'Light' is awakened Consciousness, and critical mass in terms of social engineering is a much smaller number than we imagine-somewhere between 10-17%.
Our time has come. We have reached the point where the process of awakening Consciousness is being supported on a mass scale-by Cosmic forces of Universal proportion-and whether you know it or not, if you're reading these words, you are meant to participate in this glorious transformation of a civilization and a planet.
You're not being asked to make any sacrifices, and you're not being asked to spend money you may not have. You're only being asked to step forward and say: "I'm in. I'm willing to take the simple steps that will enable Consciousness to more fully awaken in me. I'm willing to cultivate Love in my own being and generate that Love into my community in order to uplift humanity and 'transform the fabric of reality for the well-being of all.'
Get on board-this is the ride of a lifetime.
The Great Transformation: A World Awakening
Of course, you may not be remotely aware of this, as we each experience life depending upon where we put our attention-and right now there is a reality show of international proportions grabbing the spotlight from nightly news to social media. However, those of us looking in another direction are perceiving an expansion in Consciousness of a cosmic magnitude.
In 2008, after a 13-year unexpected sojourn living 'on the street' and being carried around the world with no visible means of support, I returned to Bozeman and wrote a little book called "The Evolution Revolution/The First Peaceful Revolution In The World, A Handbook for Personal & Global Transformation. It was a work based on my own awakening and recognition that "whatsoever we do to or for another, we are doing to or for our own selves-for good or ill." It spoke of a way of cultivating Self-Awareness and expanding Consciousness, and was published in the midst of the Great Recession-a crisis that demanded a rethinking of priorities and a recreating of systems. Unfortunately, rather than accept that uncomfortable truth and the accompanying challenge, the powers-that-be scrambled to recreate the status quo with all haste.
Nine years later we are experiencing the consequences of those decisions with a vengeance-a nationwide dissatisfaction of such profound depth it has led to an unprecedented rejection of establishment thinking and the elevation of an antihero into a position of power.
Meanwhile, the energetics of Transformation-not to be trifled with by out-of-control egos of any stature-are barreling on and showing up globally: from the astonishing upstart in the Vatican speaking a Christ-like rhetoric of caring for the poor, to alternative energy becoming a new norm, and governments around the world granting rights to animals, water and the Earth herself.
In all this we are witnessing what I call the Great Transformation: a period of societal upheaval and political antics indicating the death throes and approaching dissolution of the Old Paradigm on the one hand, and a greater acceptance of our interdependence arising in the multitudes, leading us toward a new way of being in harmony with all life, on the other.
So where does that leave us as individuals, the 'little people' who may feel powerless to have an impact in the face of such great turbulence? Where does the average Joe, a decent, hardworking, live-and-let-live kind of guy, who abhors how things are but doesn't have a clue what to do about it, find the power to make a difference if he is not a protester, activist, billionaire, 'celebrity' or CEO?
If we are not simply reactive organisms, responding to stimuli like Pavlov's dogs, we have the profoundly influential power (and empowerment) of intentional, conscious choice. We can choose where to put our attention, we can choose what to feed with our energy, we can choose what to support with our money, we can choose how to respond to what we perceive, and we can choose the words and tone of voice in our speaking. We can choose the attitude and intention we bring into our world, and more specifically, our community.
It's actually quite simple: the key to the power of the individual (those who en masse make up the overwhelming majority) is in relationship-because the basis of a harmonious life in any society depends upon our inter-relatedness and how we choose to treat each other on a daily basis.
We needn't wait for a natural disaster to evoke a sense of 'all in this together' because we really ARE all in this-Life-together. We needn't wait for a catastrophe to inspire kindness, cooperation, consideration, generosity or compassion-we can choose to embody those qualities and express them in every encounter, every day-and race, religion, nationality, gender or even political affiliation need never come into play.
Start where you are. The simplest way to say it is: Be friendly. We can choose to be friendly and pleasant when engaged in transactions with the cashier or waitress who serves us, we can choose to be considerate of others when we're driving down the street, we can choose to be kind, supportive or complimentary in every human transaction. In a world that has sped up exponentially, just being willing to spend the moment it takes to be still and listen to what another wants to express is a kindness.
All around us are folks working at jobs we've done, or jobs we would never want to do. These people are not nameless ciphers, they are our neighbors-someone's mother, father, sister, child or loved one-and they are serving us in the positions they occupy. What if we expressed appreciation for their service and made their encounter with us a moment of warmth and connection? What if our default intention as we go about our daily life was making people feel good about themselves? What if our speaking elicited the response: "You made my day."
The change we want to see in our world is not something that can be legislated or imposed from without; it is not something we can achieve through protest. It is something that can only come from within each one of us choosing to bring a little more kindness into our way of being as we go about the business of living our lives. Quantum physics tells us how the observer affects that which it observes-this is the way as individuals we affect our collective reality. What if we started to observe through the eyes of Love? In the same way that the reward of patience is patience, the reward of kindness is finding oneself living in a kind world. Verily: whatsoever we embody and express creates the world in which we live.
It's a question of critical mass. Small numbers have the power to affect collective consciousness and do, as when TM meditators demonstrably reduced crime in cities by their focus. When we recognize we are part of a whole and continuously contributing the quality of our energy to that whole, we can begin to choose to embody and express more kindness, raising the vibratory rate of the collective and contributing to a transformed society.
Change yourself and change the world.
The Slow Walk to Heaven - Battling Alzheimer's
It's never easy letting go of our loved ones, even when they have been struggling for years with a debilitating condition-even if we say it was a "blessing" it is still never easy saying goodbye.
Marilyn, my mother-in-law, was only seventy-five, but she'd had Alzheimer's for almost three years now, and it progressed very rapidly. I'm told that one in 10 people age 65 and older has Alzheimer's dementia. That's 10% of the population over 65.
My husband, Peter visited his mother at the nursing home every Sunday, and he often came home with a few funny stories to share. We both knew they weren't really funny... but sometimes we couldn't help but chuckle.
Sometimes his mother recognized him, and sometimes she just talked nonsense, but she was always nice to him. There were stories, though, about her being not so nice to the nurses, so when Peter asked me to go with him, I was sometimes afraid. I was afraid that she'd yell at me and say something hurtful, but I knew it was time I visited, so one day we took a ride out to the nursing home. I hadn't seen her in over a year, and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. She was half the size she'd been the last time I'd seen her, and she could no longer walk. The shock of it took my breath away, and I had to leave the room to compose myself. As I re-entered the room, I walked by Marilyn's roommate, Phyllis. "You're a pretty girl," she said with a smile, then went back to fussing over the clothing laid out on her bed. I later learned that was what she "did."
Peter held his mother's hand and spoke gently to her, and she looked at him and called him "Dad." It wasn't until the nurse entered the room that she noticed me. She looked at me, then whispered to Peter, "How old is she?"
"Oh, she doesn't like me to tell her age, Mum. Let's just say she's a little older than me!" Peter said.
She seemed oddly suspicious of me, which was exactly what I had feared, but then she seemed to drift away. Because of the Alzheimer's, I didn't know her well, but I knew she was a strong and resilient woman who had raised three wonderful children with kind and generous hearts, and that spoke volumes about the person I never truly got to know.
Sadly, that was the last time I saw her awake and speaking.
As we left the nursing home, we saw a man standing at the front desk. "I am a U.S. citizen. I am a free man. All I want to do is go out for some air," he said. I wanted to take his arm and bring him outside, but instead we punched in the door code to leave.
"Don't ever put me in one of these places," I told my husband. "I know they're here for their own good, but the idea of losing my freedom is too much."
I got the call Friday afternoon. "Mom's not doing well," Peter said. It was just last week we were told that she wouldn't make it through the weekend, so we cancelled our plans, but then she got better. My gut told me this was not the case now, so I made a beeline to the nursing home. Peter's sister saw the tears in my eyes as I looked down at their mother, and she came over to hug me. Her husband and Peter's brother sat sadly nearby, and their aunt and cousin sat off to one side. When the nurse told us Marilyn's temperature was up to 107 degrees, we all knew this was it, but Marilyn hung on as we sat by her bedside. "She's always been a tough cookie, haven't you, Mum?" Peter's sister said, tears welling up in her eyes as she gently stroked her mother's hand.
Just then, Phyllis, the roommate, entered the room and began rummaging through her closet. I could hear her naming each thing. "That's mine, that's not mine... Oh, I don't like it when they take my things," she muttered.
"She's always accusing us of stealing one of her slippers," Peter's brother whispered. "I keep thinking I should actually take it and give her something real to complain about," he laughed. Phyllis's after-dinner ritual was to come into the room and rummage through her closet.
It's a conundrum, Alzheimer's is. Sometimes you don't know whether to laugh or to cry. We know its victims are suffering a terrible fate, but it's hard not to laugh about the things they say or do.
Peter's sister encouraged us to take a dinner break. "This could go on all night. You should go get something to eat," she said. We offered to bring food back, and asked his brother to come along, but he declined. We walked out along with Peter's aunt.
"Sometimes they wait until everyone is gone before they let go," she said. "So maybe it's best if there are fewer people in the room."
We drove to a nearby Italian restaurant and ordered some food at the bar. Just as we were finishing up, Peter received a text that Marilyn had died. We quickly got the check and ran back to the nursing home.
There was an odd sense of relief in the room. We all hugged and cried over Marilyn as we waited for the funeral home director to arrive. I knew I had bonded with Peter's sister that night, yet I was stricken with guilt that I had pulled Peter away from his mother's deathbed. I knew he never would have left to get dinner had I not been there, but I was somewhat consoled by the idea that perhaps she waited until he left to let go
Afterward, I convinced Peter to write something about his mom to read at her service. He was concerned he wouldn't make it through without breaking down, but he wrote it nonetheless. And so it was, after days of preparation and calling hours, we stood under the canopy of our grief to say goodbye to Marilyn. We gathered around as Peter bravely told a few light-hearted stories about his mother, bringing wistful smiles to everyone's faces. He made it right to the end and only broke down on his closing statement.
At the conclusion of the service, Peter's eldest son, who was profoundly close to his grandmother, sang "I Will Follow You Into the Dark."
Love of mine, someday you will die
But I'll be close behind and I'll follow you into the dark
No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark
If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied
And illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark... The time for sleep is now
But it's nothing to cry about
'Cause we'll hold each other soon in the blackest of rooms
There was not a dry eye to be seen.
I like to think that Marilyn is dancing up in heaven now and no longer in pain or confused. Somehow convincing ourselves of such things helps to ease the pain of losing a loved one.
Marilyn, my mother-in-law, was only seventy-five, but she'd had Alzheimer's for almost three years now, and it progressed very rapidly. I'm told that one in 10 people age 65 and older has Alzheimer's dementia. That's 10% of the population over 65.
My husband, Peter visited his mother at the nursing home every Sunday, and he often came home with a few funny stories to share. We both knew they weren't really funny... but sometimes we couldn't help but chuckle.
Sometimes his mother recognized him, and sometimes she just talked nonsense, but she was always nice to him. There were stories, though, about her being not so nice to the nurses, so when Peter asked me to go with him, I was sometimes afraid. I was afraid that she'd yell at me and say something hurtful, but I knew it was time I visited, so one day we took a ride out to the nursing home. I hadn't seen her in over a year, and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. She was half the size she'd been the last time I'd seen her, and she could no longer walk. The shock of it took my breath away, and I had to leave the room to compose myself. As I re-entered the room, I walked by Marilyn's roommate, Phyllis. "You're a pretty girl," she said with a smile, then went back to fussing over the clothing laid out on her bed. I later learned that was what she "did."
Peter held his mother's hand and spoke gently to her, and she looked at him and called him "Dad." It wasn't until the nurse entered the room that she noticed me. She looked at me, then whispered to Peter, "How old is she?"
"Oh, she doesn't like me to tell her age, Mum. Let's just say she's a little older than me!" Peter said.
She seemed oddly suspicious of me, which was exactly what I had feared, but then she seemed to drift away. Because of the Alzheimer's, I didn't know her well, but I knew she was a strong and resilient woman who had raised three wonderful children with kind and generous hearts, and that spoke volumes about the person I never truly got to know.
Sadly, that was the last time I saw her awake and speaking.
As we left the nursing home, we saw a man standing at the front desk. "I am a U.S. citizen. I am a free man. All I want to do is go out for some air," he said. I wanted to take his arm and bring him outside, but instead we punched in the door code to leave.
"Don't ever put me in one of these places," I told my husband. "I know they're here for their own good, but the idea of losing my freedom is too much."
I got the call Friday afternoon. "Mom's not doing well," Peter said. It was just last week we were told that she wouldn't make it through the weekend, so we cancelled our plans, but then she got better. My gut told me this was not the case now, so I made a beeline to the nursing home. Peter's sister saw the tears in my eyes as I looked down at their mother, and she came over to hug me. Her husband and Peter's brother sat sadly nearby, and their aunt and cousin sat off to one side. When the nurse told us Marilyn's temperature was up to 107 degrees, we all knew this was it, but Marilyn hung on as we sat by her bedside. "She's always been a tough cookie, haven't you, Mum?" Peter's sister said, tears welling up in her eyes as she gently stroked her mother's hand.
Just then, Phyllis, the roommate, entered the room and began rummaging through her closet. I could hear her naming each thing. "That's mine, that's not mine... Oh, I don't like it when they take my things," she muttered.
"She's always accusing us of stealing one of her slippers," Peter's brother whispered. "I keep thinking I should actually take it and give her something real to complain about," he laughed. Phyllis's after-dinner ritual was to come into the room and rummage through her closet.
It's a conundrum, Alzheimer's is. Sometimes you don't know whether to laugh or to cry. We know its victims are suffering a terrible fate, but it's hard not to laugh about the things they say or do.
Peter's sister encouraged us to take a dinner break. "This could go on all night. You should go get something to eat," she said. We offered to bring food back, and asked his brother to come along, but he declined. We walked out along with Peter's aunt.
"Sometimes they wait until everyone is gone before they let go," she said. "So maybe it's best if there are fewer people in the room."
We drove to a nearby Italian restaurant and ordered some food at the bar. Just as we were finishing up, Peter received a text that Marilyn had died. We quickly got the check and ran back to the nursing home.
There was an odd sense of relief in the room. We all hugged and cried over Marilyn as we waited for the funeral home director to arrive. I knew I had bonded with Peter's sister that night, yet I was stricken with guilt that I had pulled Peter away from his mother's deathbed. I knew he never would have left to get dinner had I not been there, but I was somewhat consoled by the idea that perhaps she waited until he left to let go
Afterward, I convinced Peter to write something about his mom to read at her service. He was concerned he wouldn't make it through without breaking down, but he wrote it nonetheless. And so it was, after days of preparation and calling hours, we stood under the canopy of our grief to say goodbye to Marilyn. We gathered around as Peter bravely told a few light-hearted stories about his mother, bringing wistful smiles to everyone's faces. He made it right to the end and only broke down on his closing statement.
At the conclusion of the service, Peter's eldest son, who was profoundly close to his grandmother, sang "I Will Follow You Into the Dark."
Love of mine, someday you will die
But I'll be close behind and I'll follow you into the dark
No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark
If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied
And illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark... The time for sleep is now
But it's nothing to cry about
'Cause we'll hold each other soon in the blackest of rooms
There was not a dry eye to be seen.
I like to think that Marilyn is dancing up in heaven now and no longer in pain or confused. Somehow convincing ourselves of such things helps to ease the pain of losing a loved one.
Friday, 13 October 2017
The Idiots Guide to Weight Loss
This is an extremely popular diet among those who are planning to slim. This diet is also called the Fat loss 4 idiots diet. Why such a weird name you ask? Well this diet is so simple and easy to follow that even an idiot can get through it without any trouble. However, the scientific element is not so easy. This diet is based on the whole shifting calories method.
The shifting calorie method is no new discovery. The shifting calorie diet works on the principle of our metabolism getting used to the type and quantity of food we intake. It is true. If you give your body a certain amount of time, your body will get accustomed to the diet you are following. That is the reason why you manage to lose weight when you follow low-fat, low-carbohydrates and low-protein diets. Do it long enough and your body will get accustomed to it and you will shed no more weight. Our bodies have been made in such a way that our metabolism adjusts fast enough to the changes we make, be it eating less of carbohydrates, fats and proteins or eating a different quantity of food as compared to before.
In order for any diet to work, it needs to keep the metabolism of our body at a very high level. Is your diet is giving you a slow metabolism, it just means it is going to take all that more time to burn down your fat. You need a high metabolism in order to burn out more fats. Another minus point about slow metabolism diets is that once you are off the diet, you gain back all the weight and even faster.
The perfect diet would be, one that keeps changing your metabolism, giving your body no chance to get used to it. That is exactly what the shifting calorie method is all about. You keep changing your eating routine and that indeed leads to high metabolism which then reacts into weight loss. Makes sense doesn’t it? The idiot proof diet is formed along the same lines. The diet offers you a different list of rules to follow. The diet encourages you to eat 4 meals a day. The type of food you eat at every meal will be rotated ensuring that your metabolism is high and your fat is being burned out.
The good news about this idiot proof diet is that it involves no exercise at all. I’m sure I’ve captured your full attention here. Yes, indeed no exercise. This diet does something special; it claims to help you lose 9lbs in just 11 days. Awesome isn’t it? On an average, many people who have done this diet have lost up to 6lbs in 11 days. That too is good enough.
The idiot proof diet is everything it claims to be. But remember you are only going to get results if you stay committed to the plan. You need to follow it strictly and religiously.
The shifting calorie method is no new discovery. The shifting calorie diet works on the principle of our metabolism getting used to the type and quantity of food we intake. It is true. If you give your body a certain amount of time, your body will get accustomed to the diet you are following. That is the reason why you manage to lose weight when you follow low-fat, low-carbohydrates and low-protein diets. Do it long enough and your body will get accustomed to it and you will shed no more weight. Our bodies have been made in such a way that our metabolism adjusts fast enough to the changes we make, be it eating less of carbohydrates, fats and proteins or eating a different quantity of food as compared to before.
In order for any diet to work, it needs to keep the metabolism of our body at a very high level. Is your diet is giving you a slow metabolism, it just means it is going to take all that more time to burn down your fat. You need a high metabolism in order to burn out more fats. Another minus point about slow metabolism diets is that once you are off the diet, you gain back all the weight and even faster.
The perfect diet would be, one that keeps changing your metabolism, giving your body no chance to get used to it. That is exactly what the shifting calorie method is all about. You keep changing your eating routine and that indeed leads to high metabolism which then reacts into weight loss. Makes sense doesn’t it? The idiot proof diet is formed along the same lines. The diet offers you a different list of rules to follow. The diet encourages you to eat 4 meals a day. The type of food you eat at every meal will be rotated ensuring that your metabolism is high and your fat is being burned out.
The good news about this idiot proof diet is that it involves no exercise at all. I’m sure I’ve captured your full attention here. Yes, indeed no exercise. This diet does something special; it claims to help you lose 9lbs in just 11 days. Awesome isn’t it? On an average, many people who have done this diet have lost up to 6lbs in 11 days. That too is good enough.
The idiot proof diet is everything it claims to be. But remember you are only going to get results if you stay committed to the plan. You need to follow it strictly and religiously.
Ways To Burn Your Fat Super Fast?
We all struggle to lose weight but there are some steps that anyone can take to help make the process a little bit easier. Whether you want to drop just a few pounds or you are looking to lose a lot more, the following tips will help to get you on track to burn fat fast.
Make Meals in Advance
It may seem like a burden until you get the hang of it but prepping your meals in advance is one of the best things you can do in terms of losing weight. Think about how many times you end up in the fast food line or eating some other kind of unhealthy meal because you are in a rush and don’t have anything readily available that is better for you.
By preparing your meals in advance, you will not succumb to those urges to grab whatever is easiest even though you know it’s a bad decision. As another option for meals.
Build More Muscle
Yes, you want to learn how to get in the gym and pump some iron. Science has proven that muscle can burn up to 9 times more calories than fat and plus they can make you look good. Muscle can also help to increase your metabolic rate which basically helps you to burn fat while stationary. That is obviously a good thing and something that most of us would love to have in our arsenal
Know Where You Are on Your Journey
It’s very difficult to reach a destination if you don’t know where you are beginning and the same thing applies to weight loss. This doesn’t mean that you should be jumping on the scale 5 times a day but you should have some sense of where you are today and what your goals are.
Also, this can be extended beyond just weighing yourself by taking a quick look in the mirror. It can be frustrating to some but it can also give you a visual and strong incentive to lose those inches or drop some pounds. But, be careful, not to turn this entire process into a negative pity party. Your main goal is to simply realize where you are today so that you can work on hitting your goals tomorrow.
Have a Regular Exercise Plan
There are many benefits to exercise outside of losing weight and the fact is we all should be doing it. So, talk to your doctor and make sure that it is okay to start an exercise program and then do some research.
Find a training program that is going to be safe for your current level of fitness and one that will allow you to adjust as you move forward. If possible, find something that is fun to do. Maybe you enjoy riding a bike or dancing. These kinds of activities can help to take your mind off of the fact that you are actually doing something physical.
Make Meals in Advance
It may seem like a burden until you get the hang of it but prepping your meals in advance is one of the best things you can do in terms of losing weight. Think about how many times you end up in the fast food line or eating some other kind of unhealthy meal because you are in a rush and don’t have anything readily available that is better for you.
By preparing your meals in advance, you will not succumb to those urges to grab whatever is easiest even though you know it’s a bad decision. As another option for meals.
Build More Muscle
Yes, you want to learn how to get in the gym and pump some iron. Science has proven that muscle can burn up to 9 times more calories than fat and plus they can make you look good. Muscle can also help to increase your metabolic rate which basically helps you to burn fat while stationary. That is obviously a good thing and something that most of us would love to have in our arsenal
Know Where You Are on Your Journey
It’s very difficult to reach a destination if you don’t know where you are beginning and the same thing applies to weight loss. This doesn’t mean that you should be jumping on the scale 5 times a day but you should have some sense of where you are today and what your goals are.
Also, this can be extended beyond just weighing yourself by taking a quick look in the mirror. It can be frustrating to some but it can also give you a visual and strong incentive to lose those inches or drop some pounds. But, be careful, not to turn this entire process into a negative pity party. Your main goal is to simply realize where you are today so that you can work on hitting your goals tomorrow.
Have a Regular Exercise Plan
There are many benefits to exercise outside of losing weight and the fact is we all should be doing it. So, talk to your doctor and make sure that it is okay to start an exercise program and then do some research.
Find a training program that is going to be safe for your current level of fitness and one that will allow you to adjust as you move forward. If possible, find something that is fun to do. Maybe you enjoy riding a bike or dancing. These kinds of activities can help to take your mind off of the fact that you are actually doing something physical.
Thursday, 12 October 2017
Americans Address The Need To Better Prepare for Alzheimer’s Disease
The odds that you know someone affected by Alzheimer’s are high, considering that more than five million people are living with Alzheimer’s and more than 15 million Americans provide unpaid care for those living with the disease.With the number of people in the United States living with Alzheimer’s disease expected to triple in the next few decades, to more than 16 million in 2050 it is not only individuals with Alzheimer’s who are impacted — their family members and friends can feel the toll of providing care for loved ones.As Alzheimer’s and other dementias impact a growing number of individuals and their families, communities must find ways to become more supportive and accessible to those living with these diseases.The Home Instead Senior Care network encourages Americans to pledge to learn more about the disease and how to compassionately engage with those who live with it.No matter who you are, you have something to learn — from caregivers and families of those living with Alzheimer’s, to business owners or simply those who want to be more respectful and compassionate to those they may meet suffering from Alzheimer’s or other dementia.Home Instead Senior Care invites everyone to participate in free online training based on your role.These educational courses, created by experts in dementia care, will help people learn how to better respond to the needs of those living with the condition and their caregivers.After the online learning sessions, participants are encouraged to share what they have learned with friends and family.Interested individuals can find a training course that can help at courses take no more than one hour to complete. The website also includes a variety of other free resources and opportunities to learn more about Alzheimer’s and dementia. For example, Home Instead recommends these five tips to learn more about Alzheimer’s and dementia:1. Learn the symptoms. Visit to learn more about the symptoms and signs of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.2. Read an article about Alzheimer’s. Articles about Alzheimer’s can be found at Watch and share the "I Will Remember You" video at Take an E-Learning Class. Visit to find an online Alzheimer’s and dementia class that interests you.5. Spread the word. Take the Home Instead Alzheimer’s Learning Day pledge and share on your social media channels why you are participating.To explore more about Alzheimer’s and dementia care and family caregiving, find a Home Instead office near you at
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Kate Middleton best skincare products on the market called Junivive."
The 35-year-old, who now appears to be aging backwards, says, "I went through a complete transformation with one of the best skincare products on the market called Junivive."
Prince William told us, "We want to campaign for a greater cause. Women's anti-aging is important for the preservation of female beauty, confidence, and ultimately individual happiness."
***Princess Kate has decided to start her campaign here in the U.K. by giving away FREE 30 day supply of Junivive, only pay £4.93 for shipping!. CLICK THE LINK BELOW
Exclusive link for a FREE bottle of Junivive.
Kate Middleton pictured left in 2013 compared to her recent media appearance - She credits Junivive for her youthful, fresh skin!
There is no real secret to Kate's transformation... It all began at the recommendation of her dermatologist. Kate, like many women today, are all on a search for a Miracle Skin Product. Especially through the stress of having kids and a new family, she was suffering from wrinkles and age lines that she never had to cover up before.
Instead of letting this stress get to her, she took a leap of faith. And that leap for Junivive landed her a campaign for the newest skincare line of the year. Upon more research, we've discovered that more clever women around the world - and many Hollywood actresses - have been secretly using these products too.
A few months ago on the Ellen Show, she shared the secret for women who want to look 10 to 15 years younger fast, but are scared of the potential risks of surgery or botox. We were so suprised by how shockingly simple, cheap, and effective her technique was, we had to test it ourselves and write a feature article on how it works and the results of our test! Read on...
How Does It Work?
It's actually very simple. You simply use Junivive before bed. Junivive contains high concentrations of pure Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid in just the right concentrations. My team also discovered that it contain all sorts of anti-oxidants, and an ingredient called Dermaxyl (also known as face-lift in a jar) and Ester-C (the active anti-aging compound in Vitamin C).
We Decided to Put Junivive to the Test!
As excited as we were after the show and after getting a flood of letters, we wanted to try it for ourselves before we wrote this feature piece praising it. We decided to take a volunteer from someone in our office. Let me introduce Shirley Elford, a 59 year old mother of 3 who jumped at the chance to test this combo. Here is her results...
Shirley's 14 Day Junivive Results:
Day 1
After the first day of using Junivive, I was surprised at how wonderful it made my skin feel. It felt like every last pore on my face was being tightened and pulled by a gigantic vacuum cleaner.
It felt like every last pore on my face was being tightened and pulled by a gigantic vacuum cleaner. I don't know how else to describe it. I could feel a deep, warm, tingly sensation on my cheeks, around my eyes, and my forehead. I looked in the mirror and saw a rosy-tinged hue. A radiant, glowing hue that was the result of nourishing blood rushing to the surface of my skin. And these marvelous “sensations” lasted for hours.
Day 5
After five days of using Junivive, I was shocked at the drastic results.
The lines, dark spots, and wrinkles - without question - were visibly reduced in size right before my eyes!
I was astonished by the results, and literally felt 20 years younger again. It was like watching all my wrinkles and fine lines vanish right off!
Day 14
After 14 days, not only had all my doubts and skepticism absolutely vanished...but so did my wrinkles!
The lines on my forehead, the loose, sagging skin on my neck, my crows’ feet – even the age spots on my face had COMPLETELY disappeared. I've never felt or seen anything tighten my skin with this kind of force before, no matter how expensive the product!
After the 2 weeks, my skin not only stayed that way, it actually improved every day until it became as beautiful and radiant as it was 20 years ago. By this point, all my friends and family were shocked. They couldn't believe the difference, and were convinced I was lying about not getting botox!
Will This Work For You?
There are plenty of skincare gimmicks out there, and most of them are outlandishly expensive. With so many options it’s only natural for you to be sceptical about the results, and so I challenge you to do what I did: try it for yourself! Conduct your own study and see the brilliant results in your mirror at home. You won’t believe YOUR before and after!
Once you’ve experienced this anti-aging skin saviour for yourself, please leave your comments below and share your success story with others, like Shirley did. Document the progression and prove to the world that you don’t need to spend thousands of pounds to LOOK AND FEEL GREAT.
For your convenience, I have provided the links that Shirley used to sign up for her Free Trials of Junivive. Use the links below and you will get the lowest possible shipping price as well. This cream comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee or full money back. With the discounted shipping costs you will be on your way to smooth skin for under £5. But hurry, these incredible free trials won’t last forever.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Quick Facts About Siamese Cats
The Siamese cat is originally from Thailand, formerly known as Siam. They are one of the oldest domestic cat breeds. In Siam, they were considered a member of the royal family. You can find them depicted in ancient manuscripts dating back to 1350. They were so well liked that, in 1871, this blue-eyed cat was on display in the Crystal Palace of London. There was so much interest created by this display, the Siamese cat increased in popularity.
These kitties can create a wide range of vocal noises. This helps them to express what they want to their owners. The Siamese are not known to be very affectionate but love people. They are very smart cats and can be taught simple tricks such as fetch.
Siamese kittens are born white. They develop their markings at about four weeks. Their coloring will appear on the cooler parts of their body. This is a result of a partial albinism gene in their body that is sensitive to heat. As they age, their coloring will get darker.
Siamese cats have the longest lives of domestic cats. They call live up to 20 years. The Siamese is a relatively healthy cat with few problems. These cats tend to have some gum problems, so you will need to brush their teeth weekly. A veterinary visit may be needed if their mouth becomes irritated.
These cats have beautiful blue eyes, creamy colored coats and dark markings on the coats, referred to as points. There are a wide range of color markings in this family. The Seal Points have dark brown marks while others may have blue points with grayish marks. They can also vary from chocolate points to red points and even lilac points.
There are also different body types of these classy cats. The traditional Applehead has a round head similar to an apple and is the largest breed. The smaller cats with a triangular face are part of the Classic breed. The Wedgehead, or Modern breed, have a look that is a combination of the Classic and Traditional looks. All of the breeds have long noses, pointed ears and sleek bodies.
Siamese cats love companionship. They become very attached to their owners and don't do well if left alone for long hours. Having a playmate or cat sitter available for those extra long days will help keep your kitty happy.
The Siamese cat is a popular breed for many reasons. Their highly social behavior helps make them sought after for many families. Bringing one into your home will certainly bring added joy to your family.
Cats have always been a passion of mine no matter the breed. Experiencing the joy they bring has made every day better for me and my family. Enjoy every purrfect day with your furry friend.
Munchkin Cats - What You Should Know
General appearance - These cats come in different colors and they can have short or long hairs. All of the munchkins however, have miniature look and short legs. Their eyes are walnut shaped, round and big. They tend to maintain that kitten like appearance all through their lives, making them simply adorable especially by children.
The coats - Munchkins which are shorthaired usually spot medium-plush coats whereas the long haired ones will usually come with semi-long silky coats. With this in mind, the cats do not require too much grooming Brushing your long haired cat twice a week and short haired cat once every week is enough to keep them looking good.
The legs - Their short legs are the main identifying character. The short nature allows the cats to be extremely fast. The munchkins are amazing pouncers and sprinters but they do not jump as high as other breeds would. The hind legs seem to be longer than forelegs but even with the shortness they will jump on furniture and climb just like other cats.
The body - This breed of cats is small to medium in terms of body size. Most fully grown cars will weigh between 5 pounds and 9 pounds. But even when they small bodies, they are muscular and stocky. They may have short legs but they have a very normal physique.
The backs - Unlike short legged dogs which tend to suffer spinal issues, the munchkin cats do not develop any spinal problems even with their short stature. This is probably because a cat's spine is quite different from that of a dog.
Cat temperaments - Munchkins are pretty active and will constantly be exploring the environment around them. They love socializing with both children and adults, and will not use their claws as often. They are patient, sweet and gentle and love to be cuddled and pet. Their loving gentle nature however puts them at risk with stray dogs and cats. It is best that they are kept indoors for safety purposes.
Cat health - These cats generally live healthy, normal lives, especially considering that they do not develop any spine and hip issues. It is however still of importance to ensure that you get your cat from breeders with written health assurance. To maintain the overall good health, you should take measures to protect your cat from obesity issues; watch cat diet to help it maintain the appropriate weight.
Munchkin cats are simply adorable and make amazing pets. Choose munchkin cat breeders you can trust when getting your cat so you get a top quality breed.
Best Ultimate Natural Anti-Aging Wrinkle Cream
16 oz Salt in Red Jar |
The skin loses its glow and becomes dull. The fine lines start to show up and the wrinkles dominate in the areas near the eyes. The dryness of the skin causes sagging in particular places. Eventually, dark spots or pigmentation occur that diminish your beauty. The only way to handle the aging symptoms is via the Natural Anti-aging Wrinkle Cream that is formulated with the natural ingredients obtained from the beneficial herbs and other organic sources.
Best anti-aging cream for great benefits
The aging skin needs proper nutrition and efficient moisturizing effects from a typical natural formulation without any side effects. There are many formulations that resist the aging symptoms efficiently. Without spending too much on the varieties of cosmetic products available in the market, it is better to act smarter by choosing the natural Anti-aging creams that offer proper nutritious effects and do not impart any side effect.
The homemade beauty recipes might work well on your skin but who has the time to make the preparation? Organizing the ingredients and following the complex steps will take a toll on your personal time. The same effect can be obtained from the natural formulations of particular brands. For an instance, the All-in-One Natural Anti-aging Wrinkle Cream from the renowned brand Anni Mateo is the perfect example here.
Ingredients that make a difference
The rejuvenation product from the top-class brands contains the best formulation one can get at the fairest price. These products are fabricated after prolong research of various natural sources. The ingredients are chosen to suit all types of skin and impart the desired anti-aging effect.
Argireline and Matrixyl are the prime ingredients that an aging skin need for marvelous results. Both the compounds are smaller chains of amino acids that are properly dispersed in a suitable medium with other important ingredients in the creams. With age, the skin loses the ability to synthesize proper amount of collagen and elastin at the base of the skin. The decrease in the proper amount of collagen causes crest and troughs in the skin due to the appearance of void spaces.
The skin cannot absorb collagen from the topical applications due to its heavy molecular configuration. This is where Argireline and Matrixyl come in the picture. Argireline, also known as Acetyl Hexapeptide-3, and Matrixyl, also known as Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4, are the basic ingredients that mimic the molecular formula of collagen.
Due to the shorter size of these peptides, they are readily absorbed deep into the skin. The normal physiological function of the skin responds to the absorption and starts the formation of collagen in the void spaces. These peptides along with other ingredients like Syn-Coll, DMAE, MSM, GABA, Idebenone, Hyaluronic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid, etc triggers the formation of the building materials under the skin. Eventually, the wrinkles are filled with the newly formed collagen and the fine lines disappear.
Benefits of the anti-aging creams
Glow and suppleness
The aging skin regains its glow when it starts to form collagen again with the aid of the triggers in the cream. In fact, the skin will become tight and the sagginess will disappear. This phenomenon will bring back the young look lacking in the skin after the regular use of the natural cream.
Elimination of dark spots
The rejuvenation process is started with the promotion of the anabolic activities of the skin with the help of the active ingredients in the Anti-aging creams. The Aloe Vera juice and the Green Tea extract will provide the necessary amount of polyphenols and other antioxidants that remove free radicals from the skin. The addition of Macadamia nut oil, shea butter, coconut oil, etc will also provide the necessary nutrition to revive the metabolic process of the skin cells. The hyper-pigmentation will vanish in due course of time and the skin tone will be evened.
The natural wrinkle lifting creams are the best solution to fight the aging symptoms. They are far better and cost-effective than the invasive cosmetic surgery techniques involving Botox. Go natural and enjoy your revived young look with a supple skin to flaunt.
For More Detail:
Alaysia Butler is a dedicated researcher of Natural Health, Natural Nutrition, and Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care. Who is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of Anti-aging Skin Care.
Can the Ageing Process Be Delayed?
While the non surgical industry has seen bad publicity it is and exceptional industry for those who want to maintain a youthful appearance for personal reasons and for their careers. Many people view vanity negatively however our appearance can boost our confidence when dealing with people resulting in a better quality of personal and professional relationships.
Unlike the Beauty Industry and the Plastic Surgery industry the Non Surgical Industry provides treatments which can delay the ageing process significantly. For instance-Fitzpatrick skin types 1-4 ages much quicker than Fitzpatrick Skin Types 5-6. The reason is Fitzpatrick Skin types 5-6 receives more UV protection due to the resiliency and darkness of the skin. The melanocytes in Fitzpatrick Skin types 5-6 offers more UV protection thus preventing skin damage.
It only make sense that all Fitzpatrick Skin Types 1-4 should use a potent sun block daily to prevent UV Damage which is the major contributor of skin damage of all ages.
A potent anti-oxidant such as a Bionic Serum (contains vitamins A-C-E) underneath your sun block will increase the efficacy of the sun block.
Drinking a lot of water is also a great moisturizer for the skin
A course of skin roller and chemical peels will reverse chronic inflammation in the skin resulting in a healthier skin. Injecting HA filler (hyaluronic acid) into the dermis can increase skin hydration significantly and rejuvenate the skin.
If you protect your skin you will be delaying the ageing process.
Unhealthy skin is an ageing skin
Since Cleopatra days the human race have been searching for the fountain of youth. The cosmetic industry uses creative marketing to motivate us to buy high-priced products promising immediate rejuvenation of our appearance with little results. What many of us fail to understand is our skin is the envelope that covers us and the quality of our skin is the indicator of our youthfulness. Therefore all we need to know is how to manage our skin's health to retain its youthfulness. There are many ways to protect and repair your skin without engaging in expensive treatments.
1- you need to clean your skin properly twice a day similar to brushing your teeth. Your skin is an organ that needs maintenance.
2-you need to use an effective skin cleanser such as a glycolic wash with 10% AHA. All gender should use a cleanser instead of soap on for cleansing facial skin.
3- you need to wear a good sun block daily and if you are a mature person you can use an anti-oxidant under your moisturizer to reinforce the efficacy of the sun block
4- you need to drink at least a litre of water daily to hydrate the skin.
5- good night rest and manage your stress level.
To remain young-looking for life is your responsibility and it can be done by modifying your daily routine and lifestyle.
There is no magical solution for youth. It requires practice to stay young.
Unlike the Beauty Industry and the Plastic Surgery industry the Non Surgical Industry provides treatments which can delay the ageing process significantly. For instance-Fitzpatrick skin types 1-4 ages much quicker than Fitzpatrick Skin Types 5-6. The reason is Fitzpatrick Skin types 5-6 receives more UV protection due to the resiliency and darkness of the skin. The melanocytes in Fitzpatrick Skin types 5-6 offers more UV protection thus preventing skin damage.
It only make sense that all Fitzpatrick Skin Types 1-4 should use a potent sun block daily to prevent UV Damage which is the major contributor of skin damage of all ages.
A potent anti-oxidant such as a Bionic Serum (contains vitamins A-C-E) underneath your sun block will increase the efficacy of the sun block.
Drinking a lot of water is also a great moisturizer for the skin
A course of skin roller and chemical peels will reverse chronic inflammation in the skin resulting in a healthier skin. Injecting HA filler (hyaluronic acid) into the dermis can increase skin hydration significantly and rejuvenate the skin.
If you protect your skin you will be delaying the ageing process.
Unhealthy skin is an ageing skin
Since Cleopatra days the human race have been searching for the fountain of youth. The cosmetic industry uses creative marketing to motivate us to buy high-priced products promising immediate rejuvenation of our appearance with little results. What many of us fail to understand is our skin is the envelope that covers us and the quality of our skin is the indicator of our youthfulness. Therefore all we need to know is how to manage our skin's health to retain its youthfulness. There are many ways to protect and repair your skin without engaging in expensive treatments.
1- you need to clean your skin properly twice a day similar to brushing your teeth. Your skin is an organ that needs maintenance.
2-you need to use an effective skin cleanser such as a glycolic wash with 10% AHA. All gender should use a cleanser instead of soap on for cleansing facial skin.
3- you need to wear a good sun block daily and if you are a mature person you can use an anti-oxidant under your moisturizer to reinforce the efficacy of the sun block
4- you need to drink at least a litre of water daily to hydrate the skin.
5- good night rest and manage your stress level.
To remain young-looking for life is your responsibility and it can be done by modifying your daily routine and lifestyle.
There is no magical solution for youth. It requires practice to stay young.
Monday, 9 October 2017
The Justin Bieber Hoodie
Justin is a well-known personality who started his career at a very tender age and has amassed fans in every corner of the globe, besides becoming richer by the day; he has become an influential reckoning force on the young generation, who are arguably his greatest fans. With more than a hundred million followers on one social media platform like Twitter, he has been able to influence the fashion industry significantly. One of his widely known wears is the Justin Bieber Hoodies or sweat-shirts, he has been seen rocking in one of those in many music scenes.
Bieber fans are known as Beliebers; they comprise of people from all ages and all genders. The hoodies are commonly a unisex wear, and they give this casual, carefree vibe, just as depicted by Justin. The following are tips on how to look good in a Bieber Sweatshirt:
· Always go for the colors that complement your skin complexion, Justin has been seen wearing different colors, and they all look good on him.
· Wear a hoodie that fits you well, not a very skinny or a too loose sweatshirt. It is advisable to wear clothes that fit you comfortably.
· Match them with a nice pair of either jeans or shorts. Justin rocks in many different pants like a ragged pair of jeans, baggy shorts, and etcetera.
· Match this up with a cute Bieber hairstyle and accessorize with necklaces and shades you are ready to go.
The best way to show love for your celebrity is to look just like them and, copying their dressing style is one of the best ways. For Beliebers, the hoodie is a very familiar form; others are the hair style, the hat, and even the tattoo. Sweatshirts are more advantageous when it comes to clothing value, and they have the additional benefit of having a message or a quote printed on them. Most of Bieber fans, prefer his name, or their favorite song title or quote branded on their piece of clothing.
Are you looking for Justin Bieber wear? like the justin bieber sweatshirt or Justin Bieber Hoodie.We have these and more in our stores, check the given links and order.
Top 6 In Vogue Michael Kors Watches
Starting in the year 1981 as a fashion and lifestyle brand, Michael Kors started making watches from the year 2000. Their watches are renowned for their captivating appearances that make the wearers elated.
A list of some grooving and updated watches from Michael Kors are stated for the readers' sake.
· Darci MK3203 - Jewelling the enchanting women:
The ornamenting pattern of this Michael Kors Darci piece ideally dresses the contemporary ladies at a party. It's preciously decorated bezel is applied in rose-gold to garnish her and make her modish. Flashing silver dial gives you the clear picture of watch movements from the front.
A small push crown at the right of the case is for the benefit of the wearers. The two-tone strap has been excellently made and finished with ease. Mineral crystal glass covers the dial and also saves the model from scratches and shatters.
· Bradshaw MKT5005 - A smart piece for the smart men:
This matte finished blackish Michael Kors timepiece goes on giving time with its updated features and also alerts the active men. It's digital dial has date displaying option. Activity monitor is added to this watch that tracks the daily works of a user.
This smart watch is offered with Bluetooth that enables it to receive and share from a short range. Touch screen helps the wearers to avail all the apps at one touch of a finger. It's Wi-fi accessibility makes it possible for a wearer to surf the internet on the go.
· Libby MK3677 - Blossoming a sweet fragrance:
It's rose-gold look makes this Michael Kors watch an apt one for the stylish and beautiful ladies. The well-decorated bezel of this model with its usual round shape makes her astounding. Tonneau shaped case of this model makes it a varying one and also worthy.
The dotted and colourful strap of this model provides a flowery essence and makes a lady happy. Mineral crystal glass keeps this piece free from scratches and shatters. It's 50 meters water resistance function keeps it safe from water caused harms.
· Parker MK2542 - Providing comfort with time:
Created for the modern chic women, this Michael Kors watch gives you the luxury with its flexible leather strap that links with the steel case tightly. Mother-of-pearl dial is a fascinating one that makes the piece an adorable one. The round bezel is well embellished that saves the piece from heat effect. A sizzling silver push knob can be twisted to get the correct time.
A date displaying counter is located in the middle of 4 and 5 o'clock positions with which the wearers can see the updated date. Its mineral crystal glass keeps the piece safe from scratches and reflections. 50 meters water resistance function of this model makes the model secured from water caused damages.
· MKT5008 - Representing the funny ones:
The latest structure of this dashing Michael Kors timepiece expresses the swanky attitude of today's men and women. The silver dial is well varnished with multiple colours so that the watch looks appealing. This digital watch celebrates modernity with precision. The silicon made blue strap is a sleek one that comfortably sits on the wrist of a user.
This is a smartwatch that contains functions like Bluetooth, Touch Screen, Activity Monitor and Wi-Fi. A user remains updated by wearing this effective watch. It's 30 meters water resistance function keeps it intact under water.
· Runway MK3494 - Revealing your style:
A sophisticated one, this Michael Kors model has been presented for the classy women. This analogue watch has a dashing design that makes the women highlighted at a party. It's ocean blue dial is a sporty one that keeps the watch appealing.
A small push button is located in the right part of the case for the help of the wearers. The rose-golden bezel and strap combine to form a magical effect on her wrist. The battery powered quartz movement helps it to check the precise time.
All these wonderfully made Michael Kors watches follow the latest fashion that tempts the watch lovers worldwide.
The creator of this content is a watch enthusiast who loves the trending Michael Kors watches. He enriches his articles with details about these watches that help the readers a lot.
A list of some grooving and updated watches from Michael Kors are stated for the readers' sake.
· Darci MK3203 - Jewelling the enchanting women:
The ornamenting pattern of this Michael Kors Darci piece ideally dresses the contemporary ladies at a party. It's preciously decorated bezel is applied in rose-gold to garnish her and make her modish. Flashing silver dial gives you the clear picture of watch movements from the front.
A small push crown at the right of the case is for the benefit of the wearers. The two-tone strap has been excellently made and finished with ease. Mineral crystal glass covers the dial and also saves the model from scratches and shatters.
· Bradshaw MKT5005 - A smart piece for the smart men:
This matte finished blackish Michael Kors timepiece goes on giving time with its updated features and also alerts the active men. It's digital dial has date displaying option. Activity monitor is added to this watch that tracks the daily works of a user.
This smart watch is offered with Bluetooth that enables it to receive and share from a short range. Touch screen helps the wearers to avail all the apps at one touch of a finger. It's Wi-fi accessibility makes it possible for a wearer to surf the internet on the go.
· Libby MK3677 - Blossoming a sweet fragrance:
It's rose-gold look makes this Michael Kors watch an apt one for the stylish and beautiful ladies. The well-decorated bezel of this model with its usual round shape makes her astounding. Tonneau shaped case of this model makes it a varying one and also worthy.
The dotted and colourful strap of this model provides a flowery essence and makes a lady happy. Mineral crystal glass keeps this piece free from scratches and shatters. It's 50 meters water resistance function keeps it safe from water caused harms.
· Parker MK2542 - Providing comfort with time:
Created for the modern chic women, this Michael Kors watch gives you the luxury with its flexible leather strap that links with the steel case tightly. Mother-of-pearl dial is a fascinating one that makes the piece an adorable one. The round bezel is well embellished that saves the piece from heat effect. A sizzling silver push knob can be twisted to get the correct time.
A date displaying counter is located in the middle of 4 and 5 o'clock positions with which the wearers can see the updated date. Its mineral crystal glass keeps the piece safe from scratches and reflections. 50 meters water resistance function of this model makes the model secured from water caused damages.
· MKT5008 - Representing the funny ones:
The latest structure of this dashing Michael Kors timepiece expresses the swanky attitude of today's men and women. The silver dial is well varnished with multiple colours so that the watch looks appealing. This digital watch celebrates modernity with precision. The silicon made blue strap is a sleek one that comfortably sits on the wrist of a user.
This is a smartwatch that contains functions like Bluetooth, Touch Screen, Activity Monitor and Wi-Fi. A user remains updated by wearing this effective watch. It's 30 meters water resistance function keeps it intact under water.
· Runway MK3494 - Revealing your style:
A sophisticated one, this Michael Kors model has been presented for the classy women. This analogue watch has a dashing design that makes the women highlighted at a party. It's ocean blue dial is a sporty one that keeps the watch appealing.
A small push button is located in the right part of the case for the help of the wearers. The rose-golden bezel and strap combine to form a magical effect on her wrist. The battery powered quartz movement helps it to check the precise time.
All these wonderfully made Michael Kors watches follow the latest fashion that tempts the watch lovers worldwide.
The creator of this content is a watch enthusiast who loves the trending Michael Kors watches. He enriches his articles with details about these watches that help the readers a lot.
Trendy Navy Dresses
When it comes to dresses, you need to be careful so as to ensure that you end up with the trendiest and the best in the market. Navy blue has always been one of the most amazing colors to go for and it is no wonder that you find many places that bear this theme. It is a very common color for bridesmaids and other kinds of parties and most especially with the ladies.
Events are a big deal and therefore you need to choose a dress that is exciting and totally attractive. You should make sure that you choose a dress that matches your body and with so many designs available, you can never go wrong. Some tips include:
Picking the element that will bind it all together
In case of an event that is color coded such as a wedding, it is essential that you match. One of the worst things you can do is to have dresses that are not unified. You can choose an element, such as being strapless; has a bolero or a shrug and so on. Go with a theme when you are choosing the navy blue dresses so as to bring out the best during the event that you plan to grace.
Length choice
The choice of length is a personal decision unless you are choosing for an event where you must match. In the latter case, you should ensure that the length is the same. You can also choose the length of the navy dress depending on how nice your legs are or if you want to conceal a not so attractive feature on the same area.
Why choose navy blue?
There has been a trend where people wear mismatched dresses. While many people follow the trend, sometimes it isn't always so appealing to the eye. The thing about navy blue is the fact that it is so complete and never out of fashion. Having a single color, especially when there is an important event lets you look totally on point and neat.
Ask for advice
It is always a good idea to listen to what others have to say. You can let them tell you what kind of dress works for you and what doesn't. In such a case, they can give very honest opinion about the fit, design and even the length of the dress you should pick. In case of an event such as a wedding, you should allow the bridesmaids to give their own opinion on what the dresses should be like.
Take your time finding a navy dress. The more there are in a store, the easier it will be for you to find one that will fit you perfectly.
Navy blue is the new black and this is what so many fashion icons are leaving black and choosing navy blue. It is the sign of understated style. It is inky and it looks very expensive when worn in the correct way. A navy blue dress is a worthy addition to your wardrobe.
Navy dresses are a thing in the current day and many celebrities and fashion icons are choosing the color because of how chic and refined it is. You can buy the best navy dresses at an affordable price and in so many styles and designs.
Events are a big deal and therefore you need to choose a dress that is exciting and totally attractive. You should make sure that you choose a dress that matches your body and with so many designs available, you can never go wrong. Some tips include:
Picking the element that will bind it all together
In case of an event that is color coded such as a wedding, it is essential that you match. One of the worst things you can do is to have dresses that are not unified. You can choose an element, such as being strapless; has a bolero or a shrug and so on. Go with a theme when you are choosing the navy blue dresses so as to bring out the best during the event that you plan to grace.
Length choice
The choice of length is a personal decision unless you are choosing for an event where you must match. In the latter case, you should ensure that the length is the same. You can also choose the length of the navy dress depending on how nice your legs are or if you want to conceal a not so attractive feature on the same area.
Why choose navy blue?
There has been a trend where people wear mismatched dresses. While many people follow the trend, sometimes it isn't always so appealing to the eye. The thing about navy blue is the fact that it is so complete and never out of fashion. Having a single color, especially when there is an important event lets you look totally on point and neat.
Ask for advice
It is always a good idea to listen to what others have to say. You can let them tell you what kind of dress works for you and what doesn't. In such a case, they can give very honest opinion about the fit, design and even the length of the dress you should pick. In case of an event such as a wedding, you should allow the bridesmaids to give their own opinion on what the dresses should be like.
Take your time finding a navy dress. The more there are in a store, the easier it will be for you to find one that will fit you perfectly.
Navy blue is the new black and this is what so many fashion icons are leaving black and choosing navy blue. It is the sign of understated style. It is inky and it looks very expensive when worn in the correct way. A navy blue dress is a worthy addition to your wardrobe.
Navy dresses are a thing in the current day and many celebrities and fashion icons are choosing the color because of how chic and refined it is. You can buy the best navy dresses at an affordable price and in so many styles and designs.
Ill Effects on the Health of Wearing the Wrong Bra
However, not many of us are aware of the harmful effects, rather ill effects on the health of wearing the wrong bra. Yes, for all those ladies who buy their bra with utmost negligence, this might be an eye-opener. Wearing a wrong bra or ill-fitted bra can call for many adversities, among those five ill-effects of wearing the wrong BRA are listed below:
1. Sagging breast:
The loose bra can spoil breast shape and size, and tight bra can lead to breast cancer. While wearing a loose bra let your muscles go loose, wearing a tight bra restrict blood circulation level in our body and can impair lymph tissues. Besides keeping our body fit, wearing well-fitted sports bra can also prevent sagging breast and offer you a perfect figure.
2. Breast pain:
Times and now, women have complained about breast pain and backaches. Did you know that wearing a wrong bra can be the major reason behind such concerns? A tight fitted bra which can impair lymph tissues due to less oxygen availability to tissues, breast pain occurs. Also, this puts unnecessary pressure on your back, and hence back pain occurs. On a daily basis, wearing an unsupportive bra can cause trauma to the breast tissues.
3. Trigger breast cancer:
As aforesaid, ill-fitted bras do not allow much oxygen availability and blood flow to breast tissues or lymph tissues, and this can cause breast cancer. Women must be careful while picking up right sized bra. Also, the fabric of the bra decides of its quality and wearability. Here are many chemically treated fabrics that are a promoter of Breast Cancer.
4. Neck and shoulder pain:
Often tight strap causes shoulder pain as it is difficult to lift breasts with a smaller belt. This strain can cause severe neck pain as well. It is recommended that ladies with dense breasts must pick broad strapped bras to avoid unnecessary pressure on their neck and back. A well-fitted bra is essential to prevent severe neck and shoulder pain.
5. Indigestion:
Weird but true, the wrong sized bra can cause indigestion and stomach pain. If your bra is very tight, it will dig into the ribs and upper stomach area, causing problems inside our body which we do not even realize.
It is imperative that you check the right size of the bra while shopping bra online. Many sites offer a size chart to ensure the best fit. A well-fitted bra will help you maintain a perfect posture and at the same time enable you look picture perfect. The wrong sized bra just does not look good but also causes serious health problems which we can thereby avoid by carrying right sized bra.
If you have loved this article, then you may not feel shy to share this in your social network so that every woman facing issues due to a wrong size bra can get the benefits from this article.
Acne Treatment Made Possible
Acne vulgaris ill artlibre jn (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
It is commonly said that acne occurs mostly on females, which is entirely wrong. Acne is an overall problem as well by men at all stages of life. Some people have acne even when they passed their teenage and are still victims of acne when they have become adults. The reasons acne occurs in both men and women are quite different but sometimes they may also vary; for men, an abnormal production of some hormones may trigger acne.
There are many causes that can trigger acne. It is possible for acne being mild, intense, or painful, depending on the skin condition and the kind of environment the person works in. Those who live and work in a polluted environment are more prone towards acne instead of those who work in a good clean environment. When the bacteria which is sebum, reacts on oily skin, it instantly starts to blog the pores on the skin surface and causes acne, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes and other skin conditions which all come under acne.
Acne not only can cause pain and some suffering, but also lowers self-esteem and confidence as he or she might be conscious about their looks. Acne treatment is a must and there are many treatments available for acne such as over the counter medicines, ointments etc., antibiotics, gels and lotions, scrubs and cleansers, and other things. Although, from most of them it is better to stay away. Most times to opt for natural remedies is a better outcome.
Acne Affects Both Sexes
It is commonly said that acne occurs mostly in women, which is entirely wrong. In men, there is sometimes abnormal production of some hormones which may trigger production of acne. Other conditions like working in a polluted environment, taking too much stress, are other things that can cause acne to erupt in a person.
It has also been found that in comparison to females men's acne is much more intense as men contain hormones called testosterone, where as women have the same hormone but in smaller quantity. Testosterone plays a key role in developing male reproductive tissues such as the testis and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair.
The facial skin irritates easily because of its sensitivity, more so than normal skins. It is very important that men use the right kind of tools when shaving and the right blade and shaving cream.
Tips For Acne Removal and Treatment
There are safe and effective ways to treat acne with herbal and natural techniques. Of all the evidence, natural acne treatment is the only thing that works. Avoid all skin creams unless they are all made from natural ingredients.
Face cleansing is the most important thing an acne sufferer should take care of. If the face is clear of excessive oil and bacteria, then the chances of acquiring acne becomes reduced. A non-oily and good face wash cleanser is best being used and rinsed with clean water.
Rinse effected area twice daily and pat dry. The 2nd rinse is best before going to bed. Avoid cleansing too often, this can irritate the skin even more. In the morning massage raw honey ("Manuka" if possible), with your fingertips over your face, then just rinse off. The honey will remove excess oil, but at the same time leaves the skin moisturized.
Tee tree oil has some famous ingredients for acne treatment. It not only reduces acne, it is also good for other skin problems, like blemishes, wrinkles, blackheads, whiteheads etc. Tea tree oil is most beneficial and often even better than benzyl peroxide in treating acne; it leaves the skin clear and smooth.
Dip a cotton ball or swab into lemon juice which is disinfectant, tab on to affected area and rinse with clean water.
Apple cider vinegar can help your skin in many ways. One reason vinegar is very helpful in treating skin disorders is that it has a pH which is nearly the same as healthy skin. So, applying apple cider vinegar helps to normalize the pH of the skin.
Aloe-Vera is very soothing and reduces inflammation and redness. You can apply the gel to your skin, massage it in with your fingers. To do this several times per day can also be helpful. Use the gel straight from a growing plant for best results.
Any of those treatments can work for you. It is a matter of which one to choose. It is a matter of trial and error because of different skin types.
Other Things That Help
The wrong diet as well can worsen your skin condition. Avoid most soft drinks, eat more fruit, green leafy vegetables, green tea, nuts, fish oil, krill oil, omega-3, eggs etc. Drink a reasonable amount of water to keep the skin hydrated. Water should always be your first choice of beverage; it outperforms all other drinks for thirst.
Over lathering your body when you wash or shower with all the harsh soaps, shampoos and cleansers, tends to remove the protective sebum which are beneficial fats that your body uses to protect your skin. Exercise can help with blood circulation and releases stress which also can cause acne.
Most shaving creams contain many chemicals and toxins. It is best to use natural, toxin free shaving cream. The same applies if the skin is excessive dry. A natural shower shampoo and after shower moisturizer be used to keep the skin moisturized. Stay away from all creams that contain chemicals and toxins, use natural products only.
My name is Josef Bichler. Having successfully overcome several of my own health challenges by using natural means, I believe that sharing information can help others to take control of their own health problems. I'm constantly on the lookout and research to find chemical and toxin free products, as well the best and most effective supplements money can buy. To make people aware to achieve their health objectives by exposing unhealthy or wrong food choices for certain health issues. For more ongoing information subscribe to my free weekly newsletters. This also gives you the opportunity for comments, suggestions and questions you may have, as well download my "free e-book" to help making better food choices:
The Best Anti-Aging Treatments To Try In 2017
The time we live in can be rightly called the golden age of cosmetic treatments. The past few years have seen some revolutionary developments in the field of anti-aging skincare. And year after year, it seems that we are getting colder and closer to the elixir of youth. The past few years have seen some really solid non-surgical anti-aging treatments come to life; so much so that people are now spoilt for choice.
Since it gets really hard to keep up with these advancements, we'll help you choose the treatments that can actually make a difference in your skin.
Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing
If most of the dermatologists are to be believed, this is the anti-aging breakthrough of the decade. Essentially, it's a refined version of the traditional laser resurfacing. CO2 laser therapy is a power packed combination of the commonplace carbon dioxide lasers and a new technique which helps eliminate the harsh side effects. Why you should go for this treatment is because it immensely lowers the complication rate and there's no downtime involved.
Wrinkle Injections
In the last couple of years, FDA approved 4 fillers, namely Juvederm, Radiesse, Perlane and Artefill. Along with Restylane, which has been around since 2003, these fillers have taken the anti-aging wrinkle treatment world by storm. The best thing with fillers is that you can use them to volumize your facial skin. The end result is that you get a plump, youthful skin without undergoing any surgery. Most of the fillers around last about a year or so, except Artefill, which offers permanent results.
DermaPen is the only FDA approved micro-needling pen and a great alternative to Microdermabrasion. Through its cluster of fine needles, DermaPen punches pores in your skin. As a result, a healing response is triggered which stimulates elastin and collagen production. That said, Microdermabrasion is a great anti-aging treatment in itself. The only drawback is that it greatly demands an away-from-sun recovery period.
Peptides are minuscule proteins which stimulate collagen production. A recent research found concluded that FOXO4, a peptide could substantially elongate the lifespan of mice and also reverse certain age-related features. Another such peptide is Matrixyl, which is known to stimulate collagen production. Argireline is known to produce a Botox-like effect and inhibits neurotransmitter release. This inhibition keeps the facial muscles from forming wrinkles.
Along with such cosmetic procedures, you should make it a point to naturally fight against aging. Two of the most important things you can do to contribute to this cause are to eat a balanced diet and exercise. Try and make every effort to keep a positive attitude towards life and stop sweating small, insignificant stuff.
Look Young Clinic in Delhi is one of the best anti-aging treatment clinics in Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. We will all be affected by the signs of ageing at some point in our lives.
Argireline Is A Powerful Anti-Wrinkle Hexapeptide With Botulinum-Inspired Activity
Argireline is a powerful anti-wrinkle hexapeptide with a Botulinum Toxin-inspired activity. It has become one of the most sought after anti-aging agents on the market. Argireline's purpose is to decrease the visible effects of aging by reducing the deep wrinkles and lines that occur around the forehead, mouth and eyes.
Argireline, which goes under the scientific name of Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, is manufactured by Lipotec. Lipotec is a Barcelona-based cosmetics research lab. It is interesting to note that some of the products that feature Argireline as an active ingredient also sell themselves as "made in the USA," neglecting the fact that Argireline's real point of origin is in Europe.
So what's so great about Argireline?
The peptide is derived from natural proteins that actually relax facial muscles to the point of paralysis. This goes well with the company's "like Botox without the hassle". Relaxed facial muscles will minimize current wrinkles caused by repetitive muscle contractions, as well as prevent new wrinkles. Muscle contractions are guided by a chemical reaction called the "SNAP receptor complex," and Argireline is specifically designed to interfere with this reaction.
Chemically, when applied as a solution to specific areas of the face, Argireline inhibits the reactions that cause muscles to move or contract - for example when forming facial expressions such as smiling or frowning.
Repetitive muscle movements create lines and wrinkles and it is believed the attenuation of muscular contractions can reduce the depth of existing wrinkles and prevent the formation of new lines. The reduction in muscle movement caused by Argireline has been shown to produce an anti-aging effect.
It is a safer, cheaper, and milder alternative to Botulinum Toxin A (Botox), because the principles behind their chemical actions are similar. However, the small amounts of Argireline® used in cosmetics make it a much milder alternative. It also works very differently because it is administered externally to the skin through creams and does not require injection.
Studies with human volunteers show that Argireline delivers superior anti-wrinkle results, with the severity of wrinkles around the eyes decreased up to 17% after 15 days of treatment and up to 27% after 30 days of treatment, and keeps on working. This represents a breakthrough in cosmetic science because of its remarkable speed in anti-wrinkle activity.
Both in vitro and in vivo methods of testing have been used; the in vitro testing confirmed the mechanism by which Argireline® is thought to modulate wrinkles, whereas the in vivo testing was used to determine the product's actual effectiveness against facial wrinkling.
Argireline is effective active agent in our Anti-Wrinkle 55 Gold Serum along with other top ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid and Aloe Vera Leaf Juice.
The application of Argireline is simple. Argireline is marketed specifically as a "topical alternative to Botulinum Toxin A," which is the surgical procedure usually marketed under the trade name Botox® (which is injected via a needle). As such, it is an anti-wrinkle treatment.
Argireline works in the biological pathways of the skin cells by mimicking and destabilizing the SNAP-25 receptor complex essential for muscle contraction, thereby modulating its formation.
It also acts to inhibit or slow the release of catecholamine in chromaffin cells; excessive catecholamine buildup is also thought to contributes to wrinkles. If the SNARE complex is slightly destabilized, the vesicle cannot dock and release neurotransmitters efficiently and therefore muscle contraction is attenuated, preventing the formation of lines and wrinkles.
With the Botulinum Toxin - Botox, it is injected directly into a specific muscle to stop contraction. This procedure was initially performed to stop problems such as permanently crossed eyes or spastic blinking. If they could stop specific muscle (responsible for the eye crossing/blinking) from contractions, the eye would not cross/blink. A positive side-effect from such procedures was the observation that fine wrinkles were disappearing.
Today, Argireline offers a non-invasive technique to achieve similar results. Argireline® (Acetyl Hexapetide-8) - used in anti-aging products such Anti Wrinkle 55 Gold Serum - is applied to the eyes, forehead and to other areas of the face. It works by interrupting neurotransmission that tells the muscles to contract. If the muscles don't contract, wrinkles are not formed. It's just that simple - and safe.
Anti Wrinkle 55 Serum with Argireline is the absolute strongest and best anti wrinkle serum, to help prevent and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Argireline, which goes under the scientific name of Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, is manufactured by Lipotec. Lipotec is a Barcelona-based cosmetics research lab. It is interesting to note that some of the products that feature Argireline as an active ingredient also sell themselves as "made in the USA," neglecting the fact that Argireline's real point of origin is in Europe.
So what's so great about Argireline?
The peptide is derived from natural proteins that actually relax facial muscles to the point of paralysis. This goes well with the company's "like Botox without the hassle". Relaxed facial muscles will minimize current wrinkles caused by repetitive muscle contractions, as well as prevent new wrinkles. Muscle contractions are guided by a chemical reaction called the "SNAP receptor complex," and Argireline is specifically designed to interfere with this reaction.
Chemically, when applied as a solution to specific areas of the face, Argireline inhibits the reactions that cause muscles to move or contract - for example when forming facial expressions such as smiling or frowning.
Repetitive muscle movements create lines and wrinkles and it is believed the attenuation of muscular contractions can reduce the depth of existing wrinkles and prevent the formation of new lines. The reduction in muscle movement caused by Argireline has been shown to produce an anti-aging effect.
It is a safer, cheaper, and milder alternative to Botulinum Toxin A (Botox), because the principles behind their chemical actions are similar. However, the small amounts of Argireline® used in cosmetics make it a much milder alternative. It also works very differently because it is administered externally to the skin through creams and does not require injection.
Studies with human volunteers show that Argireline delivers superior anti-wrinkle results, with the severity of wrinkles around the eyes decreased up to 17% after 15 days of treatment and up to 27% after 30 days of treatment, and keeps on working. This represents a breakthrough in cosmetic science because of its remarkable speed in anti-wrinkle activity.
Both in vitro and in vivo methods of testing have been used; the in vitro testing confirmed the mechanism by which Argireline® is thought to modulate wrinkles, whereas the in vivo testing was used to determine the product's actual effectiveness against facial wrinkling.
Argireline is effective active agent in our Anti-Wrinkle 55 Gold Serum along with other top ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid and Aloe Vera Leaf Juice.
The application of Argireline is simple. Argireline is marketed specifically as a "topical alternative to Botulinum Toxin A," which is the surgical procedure usually marketed under the trade name Botox® (which is injected via a needle). As such, it is an anti-wrinkle treatment.
Argireline works in the biological pathways of the skin cells by mimicking and destabilizing the SNAP-25 receptor complex essential for muscle contraction, thereby modulating its formation.
It also acts to inhibit or slow the release of catecholamine in chromaffin cells; excessive catecholamine buildup is also thought to contributes to wrinkles. If the SNARE complex is slightly destabilized, the vesicle cannot dock and release neurotransmitters efficiently and therefore muscle contraction is attenuated, preventing the formation of lines and wrinkles.
With the Botulinum Toxin - Botox, it is injected directly into a specific muscle to stop contraction. This procedure was initially performed to stop problems such as permanently crossed eyes or spastic blinking. If they could stop specific muscle (responsible for the eye crossing/blinking) from contractions, the eye would not cross/blink. A positive side-effect from such procedures was the observation that fine wrinkles were disappearing.
Today, Argireline offers a non-invasive technique to achieve similar results. Argireline® (Acetyl Hexapetide-8) - used in anti-aging products such Anti Wrinkle 55 Gold Serum - is applied to the eyes, forehead and to other areas of the face. It works by interrupting neurotransmission that tells the muscles to contract. If the muscles don't contract, wrinkles are not formed. It's just that simple - and safe.
Anti Wrinkle 55 Serum with Argireline is the absolute strongest and best anti wrinkle serum, to help prevent and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
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